

Washington Attorney Here To Protect Injured Cyclists And Pedestrians

Although there are designated bike lanes and crosswalks on the road, many drivers are negligent of the fact that they share the road with pedestrians and cyclists, increasing opportunities for road accidents that result in serious injuries. Even a car traveling at only 30 miles per hour can severely injure cyclists and pedestrians during a collision. If you or your loved one has experienced being hit while walking or riding a bike, your life may have been interrupted by unforeseen medical bills and recovery procedures.

In the aftermath of a bike or pedestrian-related accident, it is important to have a qualified personal injury attorney by your side to help determine your next steps. I, Jack Peterson, can help you. With a law firm based in Vancouver, I have handled a variety of personal injury cases around the greater Vancouver area.

Call 360-859-5297 today to schedule a free consultation.

I can help you determine liability in your accident, as well as fight for any compensation you may be owed. Additionally, I can handle cross-border cases, regardless of which side of the Washington-Oregon border you were hurt on.

Holding Negligent Drivers Responsible

The number of car accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists in Washington has increased. Accident trends point to negligent driving as one of the largest causes. Some examples of situations that can lead to a pedestrian or biking injury include:

  • Driving while intoxicated by alcohol or controlled substances
  • Aggravated speeding
  • Turning right on a red light without yielding to oncoming cyclists or pedestrians

Being hurt in an accident not only leaves devastating injuries, but can also puts your daily life on hold as you face skyrocketing medical bills and maybe even lose work wages due to the time spent in recovery. You do not have to face the financial consequences of your accident alone. If you were hurt by a negligent driver while riding your bike or walking on the street, you may be entitled to a financial compensation through the at-fault party’s insurance. I can help you take on the liable insurance companies and fight for the reimbursement you deserve.

I Will Evaluate Your Case For Free

To discuss your biking or pedestrian injury with me, you can schedule a free consultation by contacting the firm online, or by calling 360-859-5297.

There is no financial risk in working with a personal injury lawyer. If I cannot win you compensation, you will not owe me any legal fees.